I like to co-create to innovate and achieve renewal. “In dialogue, reality becomes visible” is my motto. Listening is for me the foundation for development, it is just as important as breathing in order to be alive and a foundation to live the questions.
I have been working most of my career as a trainer, coach, and educator. In 2001, I graduated in social psychology at the VU and started as an entrepreneurial skill’s trainer for organizations. In 2006, I founded Kernvraag and in that period I got acquainted with Dynamic Judgement Formation.
Throughout my career as a trainer and coach, I have been living with the question of how to enable participants to take responsibility for their development. I have worked as a freelance trainer for all kind of companies that gave trainings in the commercial sector, healthcare, municipalities, governments, and the prison system.
From 2008 on, I have been educator for the foundation of Dialoog, to educate trainers and coaches who wanted to work with Dynamic Judgment Formation. I have developed my question-oriented approach as a trainer and educator within the course ‘Psychologie in negen maanden’, that I have developed and given for ICM Opleidingen en Trainingen.
After a crisis in my working life and a year working in care for the disabled, I decided to work in higher education. This started in 2017, as guest lecturer at the Research Master International Development Studies at the UvA. From 2019 started my PhD with my job as a teacher in the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Social Science, where I could investigate my own work.